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Writer's pictureSusan Dack

Navigating the Streets of Europe: A Traveler's Guide to Avoiding Pickpockets and Scam Artists

In May of 2023, our family went on a two-and-a-half-week adventure across England, France, Italy, and Greece. The trip was nothing short of a dream, filled with breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and unforgettable memories. However, amidst the excitement, we were well aware of the notorious reputation some of the larger European cities, such as Paris and Rome, held for pickpockets and scam artists. Armed with caution and preparation, we set out to ensure our journey remained smooth and enjoyable.

To safeguard my valuables, I opted for an over-the-shoulder side purse (paid link) – a practical choice given the urban landscapes we were navigating.

Little did we know, however, the creative tactics employed by pickpockets and scam artists would put our awareness to the test, especially in Italy.

In the bustling streets of Italy, we encountered a peculiar scenario involving compliments on my husband's shoes. Seemingly harmless at first, a friendly individual approached us with praise for his footwear and extended a hand for a fist bump. Wisely, my husband refrained from the gesture, knowing all too well the ruse behind it. This subtle approach masked a scheme where the supposed well-wisher would surreptitiously slide a bracelet onto the unsuspecting recipient's wrist. Accompanied by a heart-wrenching story and a request for money, this tactic aimed to exploit the kindness of travelers. Attempting to walk away with the bracelet only resulted in confrontation, and returning it was met with resistance. The key, we learned, was a firm but polite "No" and a quick departure.

In Rome, this couple was stopped by a scammer with bracelets. The man wouldn't leave them alone until they paid him. Which, after a while, the couple ended up paying.

Survey and petition requests were another common ploy in the playbook of pickpockets. Strangers would approach us under the guise of conducting a survey or seeking support for a petition. Unbeknownst to us, while one person engaged us with questions, another discreetly assessed our vulnerability. This collaborative strategy allowed pickpockets to size up potential targets while diverting attention. The lesson here was clear – keep moving, regardless of the seemingly innocent nature of the encounter.

In foreign countries, the universal language of, "No," became our shield. Whether faced with a fist-bump attempt or a survey request, a firm refusal and continued walking proved to be the most effective defense. Vigilance and a healthy dose of skepticism became our travel companions, ensuring that our once-in-a-lifetime journey remained memorable for all the right reasons.

As you take off on your own adventures, armed with the knowledge of these subtle schemes, may your travels be filled with wonder and joy, free from the clutches of opportunistic pickpockets and scam artists.

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